Welcome! I'm Leigh, and that's Lee Lee on the left (scroll down to see a picture of the real me, working on a skelly). We like to roam in a world that isn't based on a grid, but rather with nooks & crannies, winding roads, secret alleys that just beg you to wander down and explore. To thrill in the magic that dusk and dawn offer us, examine what we discover in these spaces, and create delightful specimens (skellies!) from these experiences.
Lee Lee likes to keep busy, so she's out and about; I document her adventures on Instagram. Got a question for Lee Lee? Email me anytime! Wonder where she'll turn up next? Subscribe to my newsletter (over there on the right) and you'll get the skinny on Lee Lee, keep up on all the happenings here at Skelly Chic, see my newest skellies, and receive special newsletter-only promotions!